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Reading is Fundamental

Learning to Reading

Professor Garfield

Wisconsin State Reading Association

Boozhoo Families,

I am the Education & Disability Coordinator and Supervisor for the 17 full-time teaching staff at Zaasijiwan Head Start. I have been with ZHS for six years. I began my career with ZHS as a teacher and have been in my current position for the past two years.

I have an Associate Degree in Word Processing; an Associate Degree in Medical Transcription; an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education; and a Bachelor Degree in Elementary Education with a minor in Early Childhood Education. Throughout my college years, I've also taken several Business Courses. I'm also licensed to teach pre-k through 8th grade in the State of Wisconsin. I would someday like to get a combination Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education/Special Education.

We have an open door policy here at ZHS so please stop by and see us anytime!!!

As Education & Disability Coordinator for Zaasijiwan Head Start I have many duties which are listed below. At ZHS we have an open door policy which means our families are welcome here anytime. We enjoy seeing the families come in to volunteer in the classroom, have breakfast, lunch or snack with their child or to just stop by and say "hi". If you have any questions please stop by to see me or call me at 588-9291.

EDUCATION/DISABILITIES and PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION " Track educational assessments and progress of children " Ensure Denver II screenings are done on all children within 45 days of enrollment. " Coordinate and facilitate RIF Giveaways three times each grant year. " Ensure program compliance with Performance Standards as they relate to education and learning environment. (Service Plans) " Review children's files a minimum of 4 times per year to ensure all educational paperwork/forms/etc. are in place and meeting needs of the families " Coordinate Curriculum Committee Meetings every other month. " Annually review Assessment and Screening tools for the program. Update/change as needed. " Participate in Education, Human Resources, and Program Governance portions of Program Annual Self-Assessment. " Assist in entering PROMIS information for set-up. Enter ongoing data as needed. " Assist teachers and families in filling our referral forms if they have a developmental concern regarding a child. " Attend all IFSP (Individual Family Service Plan) and IEP (Individual Education Program) meetings. " Ensure children with IFSP's and IEP's are receiving services from the Special Educators. " Coordinate Care Team meetings for children with developmental concerns.

STAFF EDUCATION and ORIENTATION " Orientate new staff (w/management team assistance) on CDA's and basic program operations, etc. " Coordinate staff trainings on monthly basis for in-service days. Ensure staff gets certificates documenting training. (Keep Training Binder updated.) " Annually survey staff and parents on training needs " Attend trainings to keep updated on new regulations and laws regarding children with disabilities.

STAFF SUPERVISION " Review lesson plans on weekly basis and discuss with staff as needed. " Ensure all children are being individualized for on the lesson plans. " Observe in classrooms 3 times each school year. " Supervise all teaching staff including home visitors. " Coordinate and supervise Eau Claire students in Fall and Spring.

PARENT INVOLVEMENT and EDUCATION " Coordinate monthly parent trainings for in-service days. " Assist with coordinating parent flyers, notices, etc. for program events.

Gigaawaabaamin, Ruth R. Bird



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